It does not matter whether you are a start-up, a medium-sized company, or a big corporation. Using advertising flags for your marketing campaign has its benefits. There are several uses of advertising flags that entrepreneurs and marketers should take advantage of. These marketing tools can greatly increase your brand’s visibility and familiarity with your audience.
Benefits of Advertising Flags
Below are some of the advantages of using advertising flags that you should take advantage of. Knowing the benefits it offers could potentially increase your return on investment and expand your target market. Below are some benefits of advertising flags as pointed out by Los Angeles Print and Design.
- Cost-effective and affordable
- Can be used multiple times
- Quick and easy to create (ideal for tight deadlines)
- Promotes your brand visibility
- Sturdy, flexible, and durable (can withstand extreme weather conditions)
Uses of Advertising Flags
The list below is the top ten uses of advertising flags that can help you gain attention, communicate your brand message, promote your products, and help achieve your marketing targets.
Store Opening/ Store Front Display
What better way to let your market know of your business existence than through advertising flags? By using vibrant colors, eye-catching designs and taking advantage of strategic locations, there’s no reason why passersby would miss such an announcement. Imagine you are taking a high-foot traffic street and with the wind blowing, you can see these marketing flags fluttering. Now you’re curious about what it is about. With such an impactful design, you get excited about the store opening. Chances are, you start telling your friends and family about it. Advertising flags are an excellent medium for announcing to the public that you’re soon to open soon. It helps create a buzz and build on the excitement and curiosity of the people. And it is also ideal to use them as storefront display.
Who doesn’t love to get items at a discounted price, right? Thanks to these advertising flags, you won’t be missing the announcements from the stores. With this marketing tool, you can let the audience know how much discount you are giving away and when. Use this flag to capture their interest in certain items on sale. If you want your market to fully take advantage of your product or service promos, make sure to place the discount flags on areas with high foot or heavy traffic. These flags could also help them be reminded of the dates when the sale is ongoing. Below are other events where you can use these marketing flags.
- Product launch
- Limited stock offer
- Seasonal sales
- Limited-time discounts
- Early bird promos
- Bundle sales
You can place these flags not only on the streets but also on parking lots, parks, and public areas. Of course, make sure that you have the necessary permits before hanging or installing any flags in these areas.
Brand Introduction/ Brand Familiarity
Let’s say that you have just launched your shoe business. As a start-up, you don’t have much marketing budget. Take advantage of using advertising flags. You don’t have to break your wallet just to get the word out. Advertising flags are cost-effective but can still be effective in introducing your brand to the public. Make sure to use designs that generate interest. These advertising flags can have your logo, tag name, brand color, and other brand elements. It can help start-ups and even established business entities in terms of brand familiarity. You might have seen some flags with the business logo on them and you already know what they are trying to sell.
Another great thing about this flag is that you can leave it there for a certain period, people are repetitively exposed to your brand. With such exposure to your brand, there’s a higher probability that your market would get familiar with your business and products. Imagine you are on your way to your office, and you always take the usual route with the advertising flags of a car brand. With this everyday exposure, you already know even with your eyes closed what a car logo is. The flags helped the car company get people to like you to get familiar with their brand logo and color.
Directional Flags
Since flags are a highly-versatile medium and you can print any message into it. Utilize them for giving out directions. Think of going to a concert of a popular band, the venue is so huge people might find it challenging to find their spots. With the directional advertising flags, the concertgoers can follow the signage without any hassle. These are perfect for locating the entrance and exit points. It can also be used to find the refreshment area or the comfort rooms. What a great convenience having these flags around. It promotes a great customer experience and prevents any confusion and miscommunication. An organized event boosts positive feedback and customer satisfaction.
Festivals/ Parades
Vibrant colored advertising flags used during festivals and parades add joy and excitement to the event. These flags also helped in providing directions for the parade route and details about the event. With the information on these flags, they already know who will be performing, what time, and where. The excited event-goers won’t have any hassle in attending the festival since they are well-informed of the details already.
Real Estate Open Houses
Advertising flags are also excellent in telling the public whether there will be an open house event or whether certain property is up for sale. It is used to capture people’s attention and inform them about a particular real estate. With this flag, people are encouraged to attend the event to explore the property.
Company Exhibition and TradeShows
During exhibitions and trade shows, you are competing with a lot of exhibitors as well. Make sure that your advertising flags are designed to stand out. People should stop by your booth and check out what your exhibit is about. These advertising flags can help you stir their curiosity and drive them to your spot. You can customize the flags to highlight your brand logo, color, tagline, and products or services.
Marathon/ Sporting Events and Sponsorships
Have you watched a marathon? Noticed the flags along the road. They are excellent advertising tools for sponsors. With those flags, participants, and the audience are informed who are the sponsors for the marathon. You can also find these flags inside a gym, sports fields, stadiums, basketball courts, and other sporting venues.
These flags are not only used to let people know who the advertisers are but it’s also used to highlight competing teams or competition details. Some people use advertising flags to show their support for their favorite team. With these flags being waved or hung around, the venue looks more vibrant and energetic.
Car Dealerships/ Auto Shows/ Car Races
The car industry utilizes these banners for car sales, car shows, and even during car races. There are plenty of purposes these flags offer such as:
- Letting people know if new models have arrived
- Cars which are on discount
- Specific models of cars
- Details of the auto shows or car races
- Sponsors for the auto shows or car races
- Participants in the auto shows or car races
You can place these flags along the road where passing vehicles can see them or where there are plenty of people passing by. During auto shows, you can place these marketing flags to show where the registration area is, where the sponsor’s area, the participants’ booth, the audience area, and the food stalls.
Special Events and Programs
If you are holding a special event for your non-profit organization, make use of these flags to tell people about it. With these flags installed outside the venue, those who are unfamiliar with the location could easily locate where the event is being held. It can also be used to convey the message of what the event is about. What is the mission of the non-profit organization and what it aims to achieve? It educates people and at the same time guides them through the messaging in these flags.
These are just some of the uses of advertising flags but this list could still be extended. You can use these flags for your store opening, promotions, car shows, sports events, festivals, brand introduction, event promotion, and many more. Expand your marketing efforts by utilizing these flags when the need arises. You can catch your audience’s attention, make them curious and encourage them to take action without spending too much on advertising budget. If you are looking for a supplier overseas where you can order your flags, check out our products. We might just be the partner you are looking for.