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Tips for Successful Banner Shopping from Overseas Suppliers

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Ordering from overseas suppliers may seem scary at first or overwhelming. But ordering from overseas suppliers offers advantages for business owners. Let’s say that you are ordering your advertising banners from a manufacturer based in China. The first benefit that you can get is that with the right partner, you can have high-quality products at lower cost. In addition, if you are still window shopping for your supplier you’ll have plenty of options to choose from. In Alibaba alone, there are plenty of manufacturers and suppliers you can choose from. To guide you in choosing the right partner to push your business in the right direction, we have collated the best tips to help you out. 

Due diligence is a must 

As mentioned earlier, there are plenty of suppliers that you can choose from. But, it doesn’t mean that you’ll work with the first one that you see online. Do the proper research to get to know this manufacturer better. Read the reviews and feedback from their page and social media accounts. Ask questions online about them. Get as much information as you can about this company. You must have a clear picture of whether this company can deliver your requirements. With the proper research, you should be able to decide whether they can be trusted or not. If this is your first time working with a Chinese supplier make sure that you’ve checked their profile and star rating. 

Be Clear and Concise with your requirement 

To avoid complaints and relationships turning sour is unclear with your communication. Given that you are coordinating your requirements from people from another country, there could be some challenges that need to be overcome or setbacks to consider such as:

  • Language barrier. If you have the resources to pay for a translator or know someone who can communicate with your contact, use that edge. It’s better to be clear with what you need in a language that they can perfectly understand. 
  • Culture. Get to know their culture, some people may seem too straightforward for you when you talk to them. But for them, this is just normal and it’s nothing personal. 
  • Lack of context. Make sure that you can explain your requirements with all the right context for better comprehension. This is important for people to understand the picture that you are trying to paint and for everyone to be on the same page as you are. 
  • Stop making assumptions. Another reason for miscommunication is that either one or both parties are making assumptions without proper confirmation. Let’s say that you’re assuming the manufacturer understands the image that you are trying to convey. But without proper reference, it could lead to misunderstanding. 
  • Poor listening skills. If you are the client, make sure that you hear what your possible manufacturer is trying to tell you. If they are saying that the color of the banners won’t be 100% the same as your design, you can’t expect the output to be the same. If you don’t listen well, you’ll be expecting a different outcome from what was told to you. 
  • Excess communication. On the other hand, if you are bombarding your manufacturer with too much information, chances are they could be overwhelmed. With too much information to consider, this could also lead to misunderstanding. Make sure that your direction is easy to understand, simple, and straightforward. 

Do not hesitate to ask for samples 

If you are ordering bulk buntings or table covers, it’s always safe to ask for samples. This enables you to see the product once it’s printed. You can evaluate the output properly and provide the necessary feedback since you can see it personally. Most manufacturers offer samples, especially for large quantities of orders. This will save you the headache and additional costs in the future. Imagine you’ve ordered 100 pcs of custom canopy tents for your community festival. Once it was delivered, you saw that there was a grammatical error in the design. Without asking for a sample print, you fail to notice this error at first. This mistake will cause damage not only to your marketing budget but also to the brand or event’s reputation. Requesting for samples is an essential part of the process. This is where you can test the product’s durability, accuracy of color, quality of printing, and overall quality of the product. This is where you can differentiate expectations from reality. 

Communicate effectively 

This means that both you and the manufacturer know how to reach each other promptly. You’ve exchanged contact details and know whether a phone call, an email, or a chat is an effective way to reach each other. This also means that you both know when is the best time to communicate with each other. When you are working with people from different time zones, it is important to set the time range to call or text each other. This sets the expectation that you will receive a response within that time range. You won’t get frustrated or disappointed if you don’t get a response because you’re aware that they are still sleeping on the other side of the world. 

Review Terms and Conditions

Every manufacturer has their terms and conditions. Make sure that you have read the fine print so you are on the same page. While reviewing the terms and conditions, make note of things which are unclear to you. Set a meeting with your supplier or manufacturer to clear anything that seems ambiguous or vague. It is better to be aligned before signing a contract rather than setting expectations while your banners are already being printed. Being knowledgeable about the terms and conditions also provides you with protection. If something is off, you would know the best way to approach the person you’re dealing with. 

Check Quality Control 

Always do a proper quality check to make sure that your orders are within your standards or expectations. With quality control in place, we can avoid costly reprints and rework. We would not be wasting time, money, and effort. In addition, we can also protect the professional relationship between the client and the manufacturer. 

Plan Things Ahead   

You could never go wrong with planning. With the right mindset, you can organize things properly. In addition, the right kind of planning enables you to prepare and identify the problems that you might encounter. You can factor in the things you would be doing in times of delay, changes in raw material, human resource crises, and other possible problems. With the right kind of planning, you can determine your timeline in terms of shipping, production, and the actual delivery of your advertising flags. 

Hire a Sourcing Agent if possible 

If you have the means to hire a sourcing agent, better do so. This will save you time and money. These people have the experience and resources to get in touch with the right manufacturer aligned with your requirements. The sourcing agent must be a trustworthy person. Before dealing with a sourcing agent, make sure that you have done due diligence about this person. If you are dealing with a credible sourcing agent, you lessen the possibility of getting scammed. 

Do not sacrifice quality for the price 

Find the right balance between quality and price. Do not work for a manufacturer offering you the best price in the market but could not provide a good quality product. On the other hand, do not work with manufacturers that can offer you the best quality with skyrocketing prices. Find a manufacturer who can offer you the best deal – great quality of product at a reasonable price. 

These are just a few tips that you can consider when looking for an overseas supplier. Do not be afraid to do business with people from the other side of the world. With proper research and good communication, you can find the right partner that will help you further expand your business. Think of your suppliers and manufacturers are business partners and not just vendors. 

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