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Advertising Flags for Small Businesses: Tips and Tricks

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Running a business is both fulfilling and challenging. In a crowded marketplace, one needs to be creative and strategic if you are just starting. Small businesses can benefit a lot from using advertising flags in their marketing campaigns. Not only are these cost-effective, but they are also easy to set up and could help entrepreneurs get the word out. If you are running a small business, learn the important tips and tricks to maximize your marketing campaigns. Your time is valuable and you should make the most out of every second to make sure that your business will flourish

Why Use Advertising Flags

Before investing in advertising flags, it is important to be knowledgeable about the reasons why you should be using them to get people’s attention. 

Impactful and Personalized Designs 

Advertising flags can be customized in terms of shapes and designs. This means that you can come up with a unique design that people will be interested in looking at. Use vibrant colors, bold graphics, and eye-catching designs to grab people’s attention and drive traffic into your store. Another great thing about this material is that when you place it outdoors, it flutters against the wind which attracts curiosity from people walking by. 

Indoor and Outdoor Placement

Advertising Flags can be placed in various locations – indoors or outdoors. This means that you have the flexibility to place it strategically and reach a wider audience. You can place it inside your shop, in front of your store, or outside your building where there is high foot and car traffic. The advertising flags made from Everest Prints are made out of durable materials. It is designed not to easily get destroyed by changing weather.  

Inexpensive Marketing Tool

If you compare the usage of advertising flags versus the usage of other digital mediums such as social media advertising, influencer marketing, or Google advertising, it’s cheaper to buy advertising flags from a trusted supplier. This is important if you are a small business owner with a limited budget to spare for your advertisement. Advertising flags are more budget-friendly, it can get the word out without you going broke. Since it has a greater value for your money, it also offers a higher possibility for a return on investment in the long run. In addition, you can reuse the material for several other events within your shop. If the design is generic, you don’t have to spend another penny for reprinting. You simply take it out from storage and place it around your store. 

Tips and Tricks 

Below are some of the things you need to learn when you are new to managing a small business. 

Who is your target market? 

For the advertising flag to be effective, you have to determine first who you are talking to. Who will be the target market of your marketing and what do you need to communicate with them? What can your product or service provide to solve their needs or problems? Do not come up with any design yet if you haven’t determined your audience. 

Why is this important? Let’s say you are running a sneaker shop for teens and young people. The design and messaging should also be fun, vibrant, and youthful. On the other hand, if you are running a shop selling religious items, your design should be aligned with people who you think will buy the product. You won’t be using informal language in your messaging or any images that could be deemed offensive by others. Knowing your target market is the first step before any design comes to life. When you are about to do the design, take into consideration the following:  

Less is more 

A simple design of an advertising flag is better than a cluttered one. Too many key visuals or too text-heavy designs will defeat the purpose of effective communication with your audience. You will make them overwhelmed and they will get confused about where to focus their attention. Make sure that the text is easy to read from a distance, and it’s clear and concise.

Be Consistent in your branding

To strengthen the brand recall, make sure that you are consistent when it comes to your branding. It’s easier for people to remember your product by being consistent with your brand color, theme, tagline, and key visuals. In addition, consistency in branding aids in building the trust and confidence of your customers. 

Strategic placement 

Make sure to check out the location where the flags are to be placed. There is no point in spending hours with the design if people won’t be looking at it or worse won’t see it. Make sure that the flags are placed in the most visible areas so it’s easy for your target audience to see them. If it’s outdoors, consider the direction of the breeze to make sure that the flag won’t get twisted. 

Invest in high-quality materials

Although you are limited in budget, do not waste your money on buying cheap materials that won’t even last a day. Make sure that you get your supply of advertising flags from credible suppliers such as Everest Prints. We have been in the industry for almost a decade. We only use materials that are premium in quality. We value your hard-earned money. High-quality materials can last for a longer time and are worth every money you spend. 

Look out for seasonal themes

If you are running a small business, keep a calendar of the seasons and holidays. These will make people feel included and also it projects that your business is not obsolete and attuned with the changing season. Customers are more attracted to shops that offer services and products aligned with the season. 

Promote special offers and discounts

Although your business is small for now, it doesn’t mean that you can’t offer any limited-time offers, discounts, or promotions. Leverage the use of advertising flags so people may feel compelled to buy immediately before the stock runs out. A sense of urgency can help drive sales especially if you limit items that are just for the season. This also makes things exciting and fun both for the customers and the shop owner. 

Interactive Flags

These days you can get creative with your advertising flags. You can print a QR code as part of the design and have people use their smartphones to unlock the hidden message. This is a unique and fun way to engage with people and make your brand stand out from the rest. 

Flag Care and Maintenance

To get the most out of your advertising flag, make sure that you know how to properly look after it. It will last for years and you can use it on several other events. Proper care and maintenance of your flag will make it still presentable despite several uses already. 

Regular Cleaning

Before storing the flag in a moist-free storage place, make sure that you have cleaned it properly. No dirt or dust and other residues that are attached to it. Schedule a monthly cleaning session where you get to check the flag and clean it up. 

Inspect for Wear and Tear

Before storage, make sure that you have also checked for any damages and fading. If there are any torn, holes or fraying edges have it fixed right away. You can also ask the assistance of a professional to have it fixed if the hole is too large. If the damage is too significant already, consider having it replaced with a new one. 

Store in a cool, dry place 

Make sure that the flag is not wet when you are about to store it. It may attract molds which can cause irreversible damage to the fabric. It has to be completely dry before storing it up. 

Measuring the Success of Advertising Flags 

Of course, you want to know if this type of marketing medium is effective or not. Below are some of the metrics that you can consider to decide whether or not investing in it is worth your time and effort. 

Foot and Vehicle Traffic

You can monitor the number of people who are stopping by the shop since you’ve put the flags up. You can also monitor the number of cars passing by to check out what the flag is about. You can have someone from your time manually monitor the uptick of people and vehicles passing by. You can also use CCTV or cameras to determine if there are positive improvements in the number of visitors. 

Revenue Increase 

Since you’ve put out the advertising flags, have your sales improved? What are the products that get bought a lot? Are these the ones being advertised on those flags? Make sure to track the relationship between the sales improvement and the marketing effort. 

Social Media Listening and Engagement

You can also check your shop’s social media account. Do you have more likes, shares, and comments? What are people saying about your flags? Are you getting positive reviews online? 


Small businesses need to be strategic to market their product or service to the right audience. Advertising flags remain to be effective especially if they’re placed at the right spot with the proper messaging. It is a powerful medium that entrepreneurs should be taking advantage of to take their business into success. 

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