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Beat The Holiday Rush: Order Your Advertising Flags On Time 

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Christmas is fast approaching and you can already feel the festive season everywhere. If you want to avoid the holiday rush with your events, make sure to order your advertising flags on time. There are plenty of things you can do to navigate around these busy seasons without feeling stressed out. This blog is dedicated to providing you with the strategic steps on how to take advantage of this season to generate more sales through advertising flags. 

Plan Out Your Event Early On 

Early planning beats cramming. Make sure that you have planned your events early so that you can order your advertising flags within a few weeks as a buffer. This already includes the days when there could be delays with the delivery of your orders. As a strategic marketer, you shouldn’t be planning for Christmas only. Plan out for the rest of the year. There are plenty of holidays within a year that you should be preparing for. One thing that needs to be realized is that if you plan early, you can avoid making expensive mistakes along the way. In addition, you can also make sure that the quality of your advertising flags is of a premium state. 

Customize Your Designs for Important Holidays 

About the first point, if you can plot your events ahead of time, you can determine which holidays you want to optimize your marketing. With this in place, you can have your designer prepare designs that are customized for a specific holiday. For example, for the upcoming year 2024, you can already plot the important holidays ahead. Talk to your team if you also want to market on special occasions such as Valentine’s Day. If so, you still have a few months left to order your customized advertising flags. 

Order Ahead to Avoid Printing Mishaps 

The holiday season is such a busy quarter for most manufacturers as there are plenty of businesses boosting their marketing campaigns. When things are rushed, mistakes become inevitable. These mistakes could be in the printing which happens on the part of the manufacturer. But, mistakes could also happen on your part. Think about rushing your graphic artists to produce a layout for Cyber Monday with only one day’s notice. There could be errors in the text or the image because there’s not enough time for conceptualizing and planning. In addition, you could also be rushing on the quality checks that you miss out on a spelling error. This could be detrimental to your brand and can cost you a chunk of your marketing budget due to reprint.


Making Time For Revisions and Quality Checks 

There are plenty of things you can do for things to run smoothly. A well-planned timeline ensures that you are giving your graphic designers enough time for revisions. Additionally, it also allows you to have the time to look at the graphics carefully and make sure that there are no mistakes. If things are not rushed, the quality of the output is high. On the other hand, if things are rushed, the quality could be mediocre. Advertising flags that are well-prepared will have professionals look it in. People can easily notice if the design is made haphazardly or if it took some time for creativity to sink in. 

Proper Negotiation With the Delivery Date 

If you are talking with a manufacturer such as Everest Prints, make sure that you have properly negotiated the delivery date. Setting the expectation when it comes to timelines is critical, especially during this season. This is more important if you are doing bulk orders. Give the manufacturer enough days for printing and delivery. Align with the delivery date if any delays are being foreseen. Keep the communication line open to avoid any misunderstanding. On the part of the manufacturer, they will give you the date as to when they can deliver the goods. You would have to check if this is within your schedule. Make sure that you relay your expectations too if delays happen. 

Educate Yourself on Shipping and Customs-Related Info

When you are ordering overseas, it won’t hurt to know more about the shipping regulations and guidelines of the country where you are getting the products. In addition, make yourself knowledgeable about how their customs work too. There could be some issues in the shipping of your product related to customs thus being knowledgeable is an advantage. If you want to know more about ordering advertising flags from overseas, check out our blogs here. One thing that you don’t want to happen is having your flags on hold because of some customs-related issue. Make sure that you also discuss this with the manufacturer where you’re getting your flags. 

Order in Bulk To Save Time and Money 

Since you are ordering your flags during a busy season, you can save more time and money if you order in bulk. You may be qualified also for a discounted rate or a holiday promo since you are ordering a large number of goods. This strategy will help you stretch your money even further. With proper planning, you can allocate your marketing budget to other areas of your marketing campaign. Imagine if you are not ordering things all at once, this could be time-consuming and stressful. Think about ordering your flags this week for 50 pieces and then two days after you would be ordering another 50 pieces and a week after another 50. You could have negotiated a better price rate if you ordered 150 pcs of flags all at once. Plus, you can receive your flags ahead of time if it is ordered on the same day.

Make Sure to Have Contingency Plans 

No matter how we prepare ourselves, things could go beyond our control. This means that mishaps could happen. So what you can do is to make sure that you have a contingency plan in place. What is your plan b if in case that the flags can’t be delivered on the agreed time and date due to some weather conditions or printing issues? Your team must know what to do if this happens. It is better to be proactive than reactive. You must have a well-trained team to address the problem promptly. Apart from having an employee who knows what the marketing campaign is about and how to approach customers, they must also know how to solve the crisis. 

If you don’t have a contingency plan prepared, it’s more likely that you and your team will panic if the flags are not delivered yet. An effective holiday marketing strategy makes sure that everyone in the organization is aligned. In addition, proper delegation must be done so that accountability and transparency are evident. 

Coordinated Marketing Efforts

You should have a coordinated marketing effort across all the platforms that you will be using. Let’s say that apart from the flags, you will also be using social media networks to advertise your brands. The messaging should be consistent and aligned. If you want a stronger impact on your marketing campaign, make sure that both your digital and traditional advertising campaigns are in sync.  

These are just some of the things you can do to navigate the festive season as smoothly as possible. The bottom line is that you should prepare early and make the order ahead of time. In addition, if you can put your flags up earlier than the competition, you can attract your customers earlier than them. Christmas is a peak season when people go out buying gifts and meeting their loved ones. Make sure that you optimize the power of advertising flags to educate or inform them about your promos, product launches, or discount rates. 

Additionally, if you want to have a greater value of your flags and have them for next year, proper care and maintenance should be proactive. After the holiday season is over, make sure to store it properly in an area free from moisture and dirt. This will help keep the quality of your advertising so that you can use it for years to come. 

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