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How Weather Affects Your Flag Advertising and How to Prepare

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Advertising flags are still considered an effective medium of marketing despite the popularity of digital advertisement. Anywhere you go, you can still see advertising flags being used by marketers. These advertising flags are prone to wear and tear especially due to weather changes. Everest Prints make sure that our flags can withstand weather changes. It is made of highly durable materials providing great value to your marketing budget. However, these flags are not immune to extreme weather conditions especially if left outside for a long period. 

This article is dedicated to helping you understand how weather changes could affect the condition of your advertising flags. In addition, some preventive measures are provided to help maintain its longevity. Hopefully, these practical tips could help you in looking after these flags. 

How does the weather affect your advertising flags? 

Below are some elements of the weather which could impact the quality of these flags.  

1. Wind

The wind can complement your advertising flags if it’s just a gentle breeze. The fluttering flag caused by the wind can make people curious and capture their attention. On the other hand, a strong wind could cause problems with your flag. The force can cause it to tear, twist, or be ripped off from being secured.  

Tearing: Forceful wind can cause your advertising flag to tear apart. It may destroy the edges where the ropes are secured. If there are small holes in the flag to allow the wind to pass through, a strong breeze could rapture these holes and tear them apart.  

Twisting: When the wind strongly blows, the flag can flutter. Unfortunately, it may also cause the material to get twisted around. If this happens, the images printed on it won’t be visible already. If it has text content, people will find it difficult to read the message. It defeats the purpose of hanging those flags if no one can understand its messaging or see its design. 

Stress on Hardware: Too much wind could stress out and damage the hardware holding your advertising flags together. It could cause the pole to bend or break. It could also snap the ropes which keeps it secured. 

2. Rain

Rain is another factor that could affect the condition of your advertising flag. Too much rain is considered harmful to your marketing campaign. Here’s what you need to know:

Fading: Notice how the color changes if the flag is soaked under the rain for a long period. Chances are, the vibrant and eye-catching designs will soon fade in color. The fading will cause your design to look dull. 

Mold and Mildew: If the material gets wet and the water is not removed for days, mold and mildew can grow. This will affect the appearance of your flag. The quality of your flag is also affected if this happens. 

Weight: The flag may absorb water from the rain. If this happens, a soaked flag becomes heavy adding stress on the hardware and increasing the risk of damage. The longer and heavier the rain, the greater the chance that the flag can absorb more water. 

3. Sun

The sun is another factor that could affect the quality of your material. Although the advertising flag we used in Everest Prints is UV resistant, prolonged exposure to the sun still has its disadvantages:

Fading: Prolonged exposure to the sun’s UV rays causes colors to fade over time. When the color looks faded this will have a negative visual impact on your flag.

Material Breakdown: Another reason why sun exposure is detrimental is it can cause your material to become brittle. The intense sun exposure can weaken the fabric of your flag. If this happens, it’s more susceptible to tears and damage.

Preparing Your Flag for Various Weather Conditions

1. Invest in Quality Materials

If you want to use your flags for a longer period, do not be afraid to invest in quality materials or buy from credible suppliers. Quality should be a top priority if you are looking for value for money. Trusted suppliers will be using durable materials that have been tested and can withstand different weather conditions. 

Apart from being water-proofed and UV-resistant, these materials have also been reinforced with the right stitching for additional support. 

2. Choose the Right Hardware

Get the right hardware for support. There are plenty of materials you can use to mount your advertising flags. Make sure that your hardware is durable enough to overcome extreme weather conditions such as high, strong winds and intense heat. 

3. Regular Maintenance

Schedule a time and day to do some maintenance checking. Regular inspection of your flag for signs of wear and tear is essential to address the issues right away. If you see any damages, tears, or holes, have it fixed as soon as possible. Take time to clean it to avoid any molds from growing in it.  

4. Adjust for Wind

Make the necessary adjustments if the flags are to be placed in high, windy areas. You can make small holes or vents in it to allow the wind to gently pass through. Without it, your flag may be more prone to tearing or being twisted. 

5. Take Flag Etiquette Seriously

Educate yourself about the proper flag etiquette. If there is an upcoming storm, make sure to remove the flag too. 

6. Consider Seasonal Flags

Check the flag regularly and assess if the messaging is still appropriate for the season. You can change the flags depending on the event, the weather, or the season. 

7. Store Flags Properly

Do not store your flag haphazardly. Take time to properly keep it in a cool, dry place. Make sure that it’s completely dry before storage. Wet flags are sure to attract mold and other insects which could destroy them. 

8. Invest in Weather Monitoring Device

There are free apps and websites that can help you monitor the status of the weather. In addition, you can also invest in weather monitoring devices to help you check if there are any sudden temperature changes. This helps in being prepared for any upcoming storms which could destroy the advertising flags. 

9. Come up with an emergency plan 

Should there be any changes in the weather conditions and it gets worse over time, you should have an emergency plan in place. The team must know what to do if sudden weather conditions worsen or if there’s a strong wind coming that would last for hours. Delegate the task beforehand to each member of your team so that each one will know what to do. This will help you in preventing your advertising flags from being blown away by the storm. Otherwise, you will leave it at the mercy of the weather. 

10. Practice Due Diligence with Research 

Make sure that you have invested your time in researching where to get the best and highest-quality advertising flag products. There are plenty of manufacturers out there offering the same product. Make sure to read the reviews and feedback from their clients. This will help you decide whether or not they can be trusted suppliers. If you wish to know more about us, check out the website of Everest Prints. Browse through our product listings and order your advertising flags now. 


If you are going to place your advertising flags outside, it is already given that it’s subjected to weather changes and normal wear and tear. However, it is still important to familiarize yourself with the elements of the weather and how it affects your flags. This is essential for you to prepare ahead of the changing weather. It also gives you the knowledge on how to keep an eye on your flag during weather changes. This will help keep the quality better and longer. You can enjoy your advertising flags for a longer time period.

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