Imagine a bamboo swaying from left to right due to strong wind. Despite the external condition, it remains standing tall thanks to its strong and healthy roots. Now, think about what would happen without a solid base for advertising flags acting as their roots. There’s a high chance that it will be blown off.
When it comes to advertising flags, choosing the right base is essential. What is the point of buying and installing them if the majority of the time these flags are on the ground? To maximize their use and make the most out of your marketing campaign, read some tips below on how to properly choose a base for your advertising flag.
What are the different types of bases?
At Everest Prints, we have three standard shapes of flags: a feather flag, a teardrop flag, and a rectangle or block flag. Each of these advertising flags comes in three parts: the flag, the pole, and the base. You also have the option to buy a carry bag to make sure that you can easily transport the materials from one place to another. This is extra helpful if your event changes locations after a few days. Each flag type requires a different base. At present, you can select from our varieties of solid bases for advertising flags.

Cross base: This is the kind of base that you can use for flat surfaces. From the name itself, the base is in a cross-shaped form giving support to either small or medium poles. Cross bases are ideal for either the feather flag, the block, or the teardrop-shaped flags. In addition, this base can be used for both indoor and outdoor events.
Water weights: The base is filled with water and placed on top of the cross base. This holds a 10kg capacity and comes in 50cm size. With the added weight, it ensures that the flag does not get blown away by the wind. The material is usually made of PVC and provides more stability and support to the pole.
Wall mount: This base is installed on the wall and then the pole is inserted into the wall mount. It is also known as a bracket base. It provides flexibility and can be angled either to 45 or 90 degrees without breaking. This can be placed in front of the house, gardens, garages, on the side of buildings, and other areas.
Car base: Similar to the cross base, this base is also placed on a surface such as a cement area. You can slide it either on the left or the right side of the car’s wheel. The weight of the car ensures that your flag stays in place. These flags are ideal during car shows, car forecourt, car yards, festivals, and food truck events.
Ground spike: This base is considered the most popular and relatively the cheapest one. The majority of people also find this easy to install. You can use a hammer or a mallet to drive the spike or stake down the soft ground. Once the stake is in the ground, you can now install the pole. Some products come with a spinner option where it allows the flag to rotate whichever the wind is blowing. This helps extend the lifespan of the flags as they won’t be going against the wind.
Screw base: If you are using advertising flags on a snowy area, grassy or sandy beach, this is the ideal base to use. With this screw, your flag is more stable despite the soft surface. The screw base at Everest Prints is made out of both plastic (red part) and iron (the black portion). These are 50cm that come in a box of 25 pieces.
Plate base: This base weighs around 6-12kgs and is best on flat grounds. The weight for the cross base from Everest Prints can be customized depending on your needs. Similar to other bases (except for the water tank and water weights) these are also made of iron.
Water tanks: Similar to the water weights, except that it can hold more water which is around 20 kgs, and then be placed on flat ground. This base is made out of PVC and weighs double the water bag which could fit all cross bases.
Why do you need a solid base for advertising flags?
There are plenty of reasons why a proper solid base is required for your flags. Some of which include:
- Stability and support, keeping the flag in an upright position or the desired angle
- Secured despite the conditions both indoor and outdoor
- It stays visible for your target market to see. Everest Prints makes sure that the materials used are durable. The flags are made out of strong polyester materials. On the other hand, the flagpoles are made out of aluminum for the single-sided and the fiberglass for the double-sided.
Stability and support
Without any strong support provided by the base, the chance of it being carried by the wind is high. Consider other factors as well such as rain, snow, hail, wind, and others. Despite the challenging conditions, the solid base keeps your flag in place. It continues to function the way it is expected, attracting people’s attention.
Stays secured
Imagine a flag that keeps on falling every minute. If you are the marketer, this entails you getting there and fixing it every time it falls. It’s not a good use of your time. Take the side of the passerby, maybe you won’t be exerting time and energy trying to read the message as the flag keeps on falling.
Stays visible
With the base in place and the flag intact, your message and branding continue to attract attention. Having a well-located advertising flag with engaging visuals, it’s more likely to get attention and achieve a stronger brand recall.
How to decide which base for advertising flag should you get
There are some factors to consider if you are going to decide which base is the right one for you.
- Size and height of your flag and pole. The base should complement the size and height of your flag and pole. If it’s too small for the flag, it could end up tumbling.
- Location. Check where you are going to install the flag. If it’s in a snowy or sandy area, it might be best to use a screw base. When installed on the lawn, the spike is your first choice.
- Consider the event. If the event requires fast installment and ease in dismantling while making sure that high visibility is considered, get a collapsable cross base.
Maintenance and care for flag bases
- Make a regular visit to your installation sites. To make sure that all your flags are still in place. Schedule a visit to the site. Check for wear and tear and assess any damage if there is any. Raise the issue to your team and evaluate whether it’s time to change them.
- Check the readability of the flags. Our flags are specially designed to withstand heavy rains, snow, and UV exposure. This makes sure that the colors do not easily fade. But over a long time of exposure to these conditions, these flags can change in color due to outside elements. Replace those which are already worn out and faded.
- Schedule a clean-up. Cleaning these flags are simple. Some water and dish soap will do the trick to remove dirt or dust. Avoid using harmful chemicals which can damage the materials. Make sure that you have read the cleaning guidelines that come with these flags.
- Check the alignment of the flag and base. Make the necessary adjustments for those flags that are already misaligned. Ensure that the visibility of the flags is optimized.
- Repair and address any issues right away. To maintain the flag’s quality, make sure that you have addressed any issues such as missing screws, loose grommets, and unstable base.
How to order a solid base?
If you’ve made a decision on which to base to order, you can follow our simple ordering steps.
- Simply send us your request
- Confirm the price and the shipping
- Place the order
- Wait for the order to be shipped
Choosing the right base for your advertising flag is essential to keep it stable and in place. When these flags are placed outside, it is more prone to elements that could make them unstable. With proper ground and the right choice of base to provide additional support, your flag says uptight.
It is also important to consider factors such as the flag’s height, size, and location. With the proper base, you’ll be having a well-positioned flag that communicates with your target market.