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Dos and Dont’s in Ordering Online for Advertising Flags

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These days ordering advertising flags online offers convenience and peace of mind. Thanks to the continuous advancement of technology, ordering online from overseas manufacturers saves time. But you should still need to be vigilant when it comes to online ordering as scams are happening around. This article is designed to provide you with some guidance on the things you should be doing and not doing when making an online order for advertising flags. 

Dos When Ordering Advertising Flags Online 

Research About The Manufacturer

Do not just make an order without doing your due diligence. Take time to get to know more about the company you will be working with. How established are they in the industry? What is their ordering process? How many customers have they served? What is the feedback about their products? Remember that you will be putting in your credit/debit card details when you order so it is critical to make sure that you are working with a trusted manufacturer. 

Read feedback, testimonials, and reviews about the company

You will get a better sense of how the company works when you read about online testimonials, feedback, and reviews. Think about it, would you feel at ease if most of the comments about their feedback were negative? Do you think you would be placing an order if the testimonials were mostly about their delayed delivery? On the upside, if most of the things you’ve read about the company are positive, it’s less likely that you’ll be doubting their service. If you read that their customers are satisfied and happy with their service, you would want to make your order too. 

Identify your objective, event type, and audience

With Everest Prints there are several types of advertising flags you can choose from. You can choose between the block, feather, or teardrop style. It is essential to identify first what is your marketing campaign, the event type, and how big your audience is. With these factors being considered, you can identify how many advertising flags you would need to order and which type. You can also decide whether you will be getting a single or double-sided printed. With the event type and location being considered, you can also identify which sizes will fit best with your requirements. There are several sizes you can choose from. This includes 10 ft, 13 ft, 16 ft, and 8ft. 

Do Competitor Research

Do not make an order with the first company that you’ll see online. Take time to do competitor research for at least 2-3 manufacturers. This enables you to see the difference in their price rate, products offered, online ordering process, and several other factors. By doing competitor research, you are offered options and get to choose the best one. In addition, if something happens with the first option and they are unable to commit or deliver, you still have a few other options on the pipe.

Know About the Ordering Process 

Every manufacturer has their process when it comes to making an order online. At Everest Prints, you are offered an easy way to make the ordering process as smooth as possible. Below are the simple steps you need to follow. 

  1. Send your request via the website 
  2. Confirm the price and the shipping 
  3. Make an order and make the payment 
  4. Upload or send your design via email
  5. Track your shipment 

With these steps, you can easily order online regardless of which part of the world you are in. If you have any questions or need things to be clarified, you can send an email or visit the website to talk to a customer service representative. 

Some manufacturers have their style on how their customers can make an order. Make sure to navigate around their website and read the terms and conditions before making any payment. 

The things stated above are just some of the things you can practice when you want to make an order from an overseas provider. It is also important to make yourself aware of the things you shouldn’t be doing to avoid hassles and unwanted expenses. Read the points below for the don’ts of ordering online for your advertising flags

Don’ts in Ordering for Advertising Flags  

Don’t Rush Orders

As much as possible do not rush the ordering process. This will hurt the quality of the materials you are trying to procure. To avoid these from happening, you need to make sure that you have enough time for the manufacturing of materials. Consider the event date, the manufacturing days, and the shipping timelines to avoid any rush orders. In addition, you might have to shoulder additional expenses for any rush orders. This is why you must give enough time for the manufacturer to prepare your requests. 

Do not neglect the terms and conditions

To protect yourself, make sure that you have fully read and understood the terms and conditions. Let’s say for the return process of damaged items, you need to know how the process works. If not, you might be expecting a reimbursement which will not be provided as it wasn’t stated in the terms and conditions. If you are well aware of the terms, you know how to negotiate and ask for reimbursement. 

Don’t input your credit card credentials on unsafe websites

Make sure that you only work with trusted websites where you will be encoding your credit card details to make the payment. Some websites look legitimate but you’ll end up having your details stolen. Do some research on the websites you are visiting. Avoid sharing your card details with anyone, especially online. Remember to only make the payment once you have done your research. If you feel that you have been a victim of phishing, coordinate right away with your bank provider. You also need to change all your login credentials as those could have been compromised already.  

Don’t go over the budget 

Before making an online payment, you should have identified your campaign budget already. You mustn’t go over the budget as this could affect other areas of your marketing campaign. Subsequently, you shouldn’t also be under budget, you will not maximize the potential of your marketing campaign. In addition, make sure that you are clear about the shipping cost. There are manufacturers which do not include the shipping cost on the actual cost of the materials. This serves as an add-on that you need to pay for. Take time to clear this with the manufacturer so you won’t be surprised that your cost has ballooned already because of the shipping fees. 

Don’t Ignore the Quality of Materials 

Since you are ordering online make sure you have read about the materials of the advertising flags you are ordering. Do not sacrifice the quality of the material because of the price. Make sure that you have considered the budget before ordering. Sacrificing the quality of the ordered materials will eventually hurt your brand in the long run. Imagine if the ordered advertising flags you placed keep on tumbling down due to poor quality. People will eventually have a negative impression of your brand. 

These are just some of the things that you need to keep in mind when ordering your advertising flags online. We hope that these points will guide you and protect you whenever you are putting personal information on the internet. Remember to be vigilant when it comes to your personal information. 

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