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Designing Your Barricade Covers: Elevate Your Brand

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It could get challenging to make your brand stand out against its competitors. There are a lot of new businesses popping up each day. This makes it even more difficult to reach your target audience or make a sale. This is why innovation and creativity are equally important. If you are using barricade covers, make sure that the designs can outshine the rest. Otherwise, it will just look the same as the others. There are plenty of design tips you can incorporate to make sure that your design will shine. Read the articles below and use them as a guide whenever you are designing your marketing tools. 

Prioritize Visibility and Legibility 

There are several factors to consider to make sure that your barricade design stays visible and the message is clear to readers despite the distance. 

Font size and font choice 

Your choice of font size and font choice is critical in making sure that your design is seen by your target niche despite the proximity. If the font size is too small or if the font style is cursive, passersby could miss out on the messaging in your design. 

Choice of location 

If your barricade design is positioned where there are screens or fences around, your design visibility could be hampered. It could get even more difficult for them to see what your design is all about. Move your barricade cover to a location where it is visible to your audience and there are no obstructions around it. 

Orientation of images 

When designing your cover, consider the viewing distance of your market from where it is located. Do you think that it is better to have your images in a portrait position? Or do you think having it in landscape form makes it more visible to your audience? Apart from the orientation, the use of the image should be aligned with the text. There should be a balance between the size of the image and the text. If the image used is too large, your text won’t be read by the audience. Consequently, if the text is too large and the image is too small, people won’t notice the image used. If you’re using a photo of a popular person as a brand ambassador, the designer should properly balance out all the elements in the final layout. 

Stay Consistent With Your Brand

Innovation and thinking outside of the box do not mean that you will stay out of focus on your brand. You have to make sure that brand consistency is prioritized. This means that your brand logo, taglines, color, and visual elements are used across all the marketing designs. Additionally, this also avoids confusion in your market. By being consistent with your branding, it’s easier for people to keep you in mind. The overall appearance of your marketing tool and your brand voice should be consistent across all platforms – digital or traditional advertising. 

Simplicity is Clarity 

Do not try to impress your audience by trying to incorporate all kinds of elements. When we say you need to be consistent with your branding, it doesn’t always equate to having all the key visuals in one design. You can use at least one of your brand elements in your design. The simpler the design, the clearer it is for your audience. Take into consideration that there are various elements during the event that could take away the attention of your audience. If your message is simple and the design is clear, it’s easier to catch what you are trying to convey. Having all the elements clattered into your barricade cover will just confuse your audience. If the message is uncomplicated there is no reason why your audience won’t remember it. Excessive messaging can cause ambiguity at the end. 

Invest in Visual Quality 

This means that you need to do research when it comes to using high-quality photos. In our previous blogs, we’ve mentioned the websites where you can get free high-quality photos you can use. In addition, you can also check out the websites where you can outsource for professional graphic designers to do the job well. You have to make sure that only high-resolution images are used. This projects that your brand is professional. 

Ask for reviews and feedback

To further improve your design, you can ask for feedback from your teammates or your clients. You can make the necessary adjustments depending on their feedback. You don’t have to incorporate all the comments. Use your judgment if those comments are worth applying to. If you try to incorporate all the feedback from a lot of people, you won’t get to finish your design on time. 

Do a test print  

To make sure that you have everything aligned, you can do a test print. Let’s say you will have to print 100 orders of barricade covers, you can test with one fabric first. You can then assess if the colors are just the right contrast or if you need more adjustments. You can also evaluate how the overall layout will look from afar. With all of these considered, you can save yourself from paying unwanted expenses due to human error. With a test print, you can also see if no elements are being cut out or if the font size and style are just the right choice. Also, barricade covers can be made out of different materials such as polyester mesh, solid vinyl, solid polyester, or a combination of polyester and mesh. If you do a test print first, you can see how the design looks once it’s printed out on the chosen material. 

Consider the cost and the design 

When you are working with a graphic designer, make sure that you provide a heads-up in terms of cost. Depending on the manufacturer, you might be incurring a higher charge if you have more elements and colors in your design. It would be best to inquire first with the manufacturer so that you won’t go overboard with your budget. This also ensures that there are no unwanted surprises when it comes to additional costs. In terms of cost, you also have to consider if there is graphic design software that you need to purchase too. Do not hesitate to ask questions, you should know the answers beforehand before having to print the layout already. 

Do not forget your sponsors

If your event is sponsored, make sure that your sponsor’s logo is present in your design. This is crucial to keep the relationship healthy. The key visuals of your sponsors should be visible to the public. Remember, if they are happy with the turn out there’s a high chance that they will work with you again. On the flip side, if they are not satisfied with your output, there is no reason to continue the relationship. Sponsors are an important part of an event, make sure that they are kept prioritized. 

Barricade covers are excellent marketing tools. If you are an event organizer you can sell the space to possible sponsors. This is a way of monetizing that space and adding revenue to your event. Use the jacket to print out visually appealing designs approved by your sponsors. On the other hand, if you are a sponsor, you can have your brand printed in there to reach out to your target audience.

In addition, this barricade is perfect as a crowd control tool, ensuring the safety of the event attendees. It can also act as a billboard which helps raise awareness about your brand and the event. So what are you waiting for, come up with a simple, clear, and eye-catching design for your barricade cover. Let your brand shine from the rest. 

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