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The Value of Custom Flags For Outdoor Events and Festivals 

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Custom flags hold high value when it comes to outdoor festivities and other events. Using flags is an ideal way of getting the word out. No matter how big or small the event is, one way to capture your audience’s interest is through custom flags. Given its customization feature, you can align the design depending on the type of occasion. In addition, these flags are also excellent for outdoor usage. It is durable and can withstand various changes in weather conditions. Below are some of the advantages of using custom flags for your events. 

Provides Clear Directions 

Since you can customize the design, steer the event participants in the right direction using these flags. This is most helpful especially if you are having the festival in a large concert ground or a stadium. It’s easy to get lost and waste your time running in circles. With directional flags around, people can easily find their way. Vast spaces are divided into different areas, you can use the flags to help navigate the people towards the entry, and exit points. These wayfinding flags are also used to let them know where the food hall, the comfort room, or the first aid area are located. Imagine going into a jam-packed concert, the place is so congested that you suddenly feel unwell. Without a directional flag around to help you navigate where the medical aiders are, you could be at risk of passing out. If there are enough wayfinding custom flags around, you would know instantly which direction to take to ask for assistance. 

Adding vibrancy to the atmosphere 

Let’s not underestimate the value of having well-designed custom flags adding life to a party or any event. Have you attended a community festival without any decorations around? Not even a single flag is hanging nor even buntings. How dull could that festival be? Likely, people will just spend a few minutes and leave the place. Even a personal celebration such as a graduation with plenty of custom flags decorated around looks fun and lively. Compared to a celebration without any of it. These flags play on your emotions giving you that welcoming and happy feeling. For outdoor festivals, it adds excitement to the atmosphere and positive energy around. 

Requires Less Upkeep 

One of the great advantages of using custom flags is that it requires less maintenance and upkeep as compared to having huge LEDs or billboards. Additionally, if there is a need to move them around you can do so without much hassle. Unlike billboards which are fixed on a particular spot, repositioning them will take a lot of work and time. You also have to get clearance first from various agencies to move it around. Custom flags are light and would require a lot of people to move them from one point to another. Imagine if there is an upcoming typhoon that is forecasted to directly hit the area where the festival is. If you have huge billboards, you will require plenty of manpower to uninstall them given the tight schedule. Unlike having flags around, they can easily be removed and dismantled in less time. You won’t be under too much pressure because of the sudden change in the weather conditions. 

Placement Flexibility 

Although the event is outdoor, you can strategically place these flags in areas that are visible to people. You can hang them on posts or poles or buildings nearby. If you will be hanging them in a tree, make sure that you have secured the necessary permit to do so. Otherwise, you can get in trouble. Given the durability of materials used for custom flags, it can withstand different weather conditions. Do not worry about the design fading because it has UV ray protection and most of it is also waterproof. If not, work with a manufacturer that can supply you with a waterproof custom flag. These flags will last longer, especially during the rainy and snowy seasons. 

Tailor-fitted Messages    

Given that these flags can have customized designs, you can tailor-fit the messaging of your brand depending on your company’s goal. Your messaging could be about product promotions, discounts offered, or store expansion. Regardless of what message you want to convey to your audience, you can ask the designer to communicate it in the design. These flags help bridge your brand with your prospective customers. These are cheaper options for connecting products to would-be buyers as compared to social media marketing. With a tailor-fit message, you are directly talking to a specific type of audience that you want to attract. Remember that at festivals there are different types of people attending. These people are from different walks of life with various preferences. With a specific message in your design, you can target the ones that you want to avail your product or services. 

Incorporate with for social media promotion 

The great thing about using these flags is that you can mix them up with your other promotions. You can have a customized flag with QR codes in it. The customer can be directed to the landing page where new products are introduced. In addition, create eye-catching designs that people would want to share on their social media accounts. This way, your customers are already creating the promotional content. You can just reshare it on your brand’s page for a wider reach. If the design is interesting enough, people will want to take selfies with it and post it online. There is also a greater chance of having your flags going viral. If this happens, you don’t have to work too much or get stressed with your marketing. 

Visibility and Branding 

With personalized design on your flag, you can create stronger branding and marketing for your products. This will also impact brand recall and brand loyalty. If people can constantly see your logo or tagline during the festival, they can easily remember your brand or logo. If you are in the business of selling potato fries and you have custom flags all around the event place, people will likely consider buying from you the moment they feel like eating. The design and placement of your flags are important factors that need to be prioritized. 

Additional tips when using flags for outdoor events

Abide the law 

Make it a habit to always check the ground rules and local laws of where the event is taking place. It pays to be updated with what is allowed and prohibited during the event. When you are using custom flags for outdoor events, check whether your design is acceptable. Although participants are given the freedom when it comes to designing the marketing flags, it doesn’t mean that you can include elements that are owned by other people. 

Check the allowed size and shapes of the flags

If you are attending the event as an exhibitor, check the guidelines when it comes to the allowed size and shape. You might be using flags that are too big or too small or something that is of a different shape.

Plan for assembling and disassemble  

If you are going to organize an event using custom flags, make sure to have a plan when it comes to putting it up and taking it down. Delegate a person in your time who will be responsible for putting it up. Then, assign a person who will take it down as well. In addition, there must also be a plan for sudden changes in the weather. If there is a hail storm coming or a strong typhoon, your team must know what to do. An emergency plan should be in place to prevent pointing fingers at who is at fault. In addition, this will also ensure that your flags are going to be kept properly during emergency times. 

These are just some of the important key points in using custom flags for outdoor festivities and events. Make sure to consider them otherwise you are missing out on some marketing opportunities. 

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