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The Importance of Using QR Codes and Augmented Reality with Print Advertising

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The integration of QR codes and augmented reality with print media provides several benefits for brand owners. As technology continues to advance, so does the form of advertising. With the combination of both print and digital platforms, the brand experience becomes even more immersive and engaging. With this kind of experience, customers are more likely to become interested in the brand. The purpose of this blog is to lay down the benefits of using QR codes and augmented reality in print advertising. If you haven’t tried using them in your marketing strategies, the information you’ll absorb from this write-up could open your mind to how important this strategy is. 

What are QR Codes? 

QR codes, according to Kaspersky, means Quick Response. Simply put, these are barcodes that when scanned can readily provide people with information. Information is stored in a series of pixels. They can be read from top to bottom and left to right which allows more data to be stored. Some of the information that can be stored are website links, phone numbers, and other pertinent information. 

There are several ways to scan QR codes. These days most smartphones have built-in QR scanners that allow QR code to be read. If you are going to scan a QR code you can open your camera and allow the code to read. Your camera will then scan the QR code. Wait until the information shows up on your screen. In some instances, you may have to use a QR code reader or application. Download the app and scan the code using it. Wait for the information to show up. 

What is Augmented Reality?  

Augmented Reality as described by techtarget’s website is a form of interactive advertising. It is where the user’s environment and digital information are combined in real-time. It combines the uses of different senses and mixes it with the environment of the user. It is different from virtual reality. 

When we say virtual reality, this is an environment created with software where the users are immersed in a virtually created world. Unlike augmented reality, it uses the existing world or environment of the user and lays over additional information which makes it more immersive. Think of augmented reality as a mixture of the real world and the virtual world. Whereas virtual reality pertains to a world that is simulated. 

What is Print Advertising? 

When we say print advertising, this could include print banners, flyers, brochures, magazines, direct mail, newspapers, and other forms of advertising that you can hold. In the definition of Indeed,  print advertising pertains to ad advertising that is read through a publication or via mail. Print advertising is designed to encourage users to purchase products that are advertised in the publication. 

There are several benefits of using print advertising according to Indeed. Some of these benefits include the following: flexibility, longevity, building relationships and reputation, cost-effectiveness, and customizable. 


Why Combine Digital with Print Advertising? 

If you are a marketer or brand owner, exploring the combination of augmented reality with print media offers several benefits. When it comes to digital advertising, tracking and monitoring the behavior of your customers can be done through collected digital data. Below are just some of the other benefits why you should try combining print media with augmented reality. 

  • More Immersive Brand Experience – When the use of augmented reality, you are transporting your customers into a different world – one that is more engaging and immersive. Let’s say that you can scan a code from an advertising flag and it redirects to a website with augmented reality. This means that your real environment can have superimposed brand products that you are interested in. 
  • Stronger emotional connection with the brand – By integrating augmented reality, customers get to experience a stronger connection with the brand. Let’s say that you have been checking out the latest shoe product of Nike, then you happen to scan a code from a print ad. It redirects you to a URL where you can see the shoe on top of your table where you’re working. With augmented reality, your real world has overlays of brands or products that you are interested in. You get to check the items up close. This triggers some emotional connection with the brand. For some reason, it will make you want to buy the product right away. 
  • Effective marketing strategy. With more people having smartphones, they can get to experience augmented reality from the comfort of their phones. Brands could take advantage of this marketing strategy. They can easily communicate and market to their niche audience straight from their phones. 
  • Detailed statistical data. As they say, data is important in marketing. This allows you to make the necessary adjustments to your strategy. You can track how many customers were able to scan the code, how much time on augmented reality, what calls to action were followed, which products generated more interest, and so on.
  • Allows retargeting. This means that when using AR with advertising flags, you can retarget your customers again. Let’s say that a person had interacted and scanned the code. After experiencing the AR, I went to the website and added the item to the cart but left. With this information, you can then retarget the customer to make sure that they make a purchase the next time around. In addition, you can also redirect your targets on your other social media accounts such as Facebook, LinkedIn or Instagram. With this kind of strategy, you are opening more doors for your potential customers to interact with your brand and build strong brand loyalty. Additionally, the data from this kind of strategy can easily be downloaded or exported. This allows your team to have an in-depth analysis of the collated information and make an informed decision. 

The impact of interactive advertising combined with print media is stronger and more expansive. You can reach more audiences with the combination of digital platforms. In addition, you are also introducing your customers and potential buyers to a unique brand experience. One that stirs curiosity and they end up telling other people about it. 

The Value of Using QR Code

Using a QR code is another way for marketers to open their doors to interactive advertising. Let’s say that you are walking towards your favorite cafe shop. Before entering, you see that there are advertising flags in front of the shop with QR codes. Out of curiosity, you scan the code and it redirects to the cafe’s website informing you of which products are on discount for the day. You then scan through the website and avail the products that are on promo. This form of engagement with the use of both digital and traditional advertising is changing the customer experience of people. You are providing information and communicating with your customers on different levels and platforms. This makes the interaction more interesting. 

Apart from providing information about the latest promos and upcoming events of your brand, there are plenty of ways to use QR codes to engage with your customers. Some marketers are using it to build better brand awareness, strengthen brand loyalty, and attract new customers. What makes it impactful is that it is easy to use. You don’t have to type anything. You just have to open your QR code scanner or open your camera and wait for the information to show up. In addition, it also looks cool and feels more convenient to be just scanning QR codes rather than typing long URLs, right? 

Combining Offline and Online Media

Offline and online media are two different and separate platforms. But, it does not mean that you can’t combine these two to create an impressive marketing strategy. Creating value and great customer experience can be done using various mediums – both online and offline. This is the reason why combining these two continues to gain popularity over the years. You may have noticed that your direct mail contains QR codes that can easily be scanned and redirected to a magazine or particular brand. We hope that through this article, you now see the value of combining digital advertising with your advertising flags. Take advantage of this benefit to make sure that your brand stays on top of the game. Technology is continuously moving forward. Do not get left behind.  

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